On Monday, October 25th / November 7th a group of seventy young people from the Republic of SERBSKA, accompanied by the Minister of Family Youth and Sport of the above mentioned country Mrs. Nada Tesanovic and by the advisor of the Delegation of this country in Israel Mr. Alexander Nicolic visited the Patriarchate.

They were cordially welcomed by His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

They, through their representatives, expressed their gratitude to His Beatitude for the reception at the Patriarchate and offered him symbolic presents of the monasteries and the art of their country.

His Beatitude speaking, commended them as young people on taking on their pilgrimage tour to the Holy Land that our Lord Jesus Christ sanctified by His presence in flesh and His work.

His Beatitude wished them to have the grace and the blessing of the incarnated, crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ saying “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me”, (Matthew 19, 14) and “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11, 28)

“The Patriarchate and the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher”, said His Beatitude, “are guardians of these Holy Lands and witnesses of the merciful and saving work of Christ. The Patriarchate undertakes peaceful and conciliatory work among the religions, and their followers with whom the Church associates in the region of Serbia, Srpska, and the broader region of the Balkans”.

Having received the blessings and the presents of His Beatitude these young people left for their visit to the Holy Sepulcher.

Chief Secretary’s Office

(translated from the original document in Greek by Mrs. Irini Valasi)
