The Patriarchate of Jerusalem as the most ancient religious institution in the Holy Land creates bridges of peace and communication between adversaries and also practically helps the victims of conflicts.

It was in this capacity that the Patriarchate acted during and after last year’s military clash in Gaza.

As soon as the hostilities ended, His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III passed on a donation from the Patriarchate of the amount of ten thousand (10.000) USD$ to the Patriarchal Representative in Gaza, His Eminence Alexios Archbishop of Tiberias, for the relief of the needy. At the same time the Patriarchate facilitated Mr. Leonidas Capetanakis, a Diaspora Greek, for his transport from America to Gaza and for the distribution of fifteen thousand (15.000) USD$.

Soon after this the Patriarchate circulated an encyclical to the members of its flock in Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Qatar to hold fundraisers in their parishes whereby the following were collected:

  1. From the parish of Canah in Galilee the amount of 8.350 Israeli Shekels.
  2. From the Orthodox Youth of Lebanon 3.000 USD$.
  3. From the Patriarchate’s parish in Qatar 1.417 €.

The Patriarchate also received the following donations for Gaza, some have already being forwarded and others are intended to be forwarded at an appropriate time.

  1. From the General Consulate of Greece.
  2. The Embassy of Cyprus in Tel Aviv passed on to His Eminence Alexios Archbishop of Tiberias the amount of five thousand euros (€ 5.000).
  3. From the Holy Metropolis of Rethymnou and Avlopotamou of the Church of Crete, the amount of fifteen thousand euros (15.000 €).
  4. From the Holy Metropolis of Arcalochorion of the Church of Crete the amount of twenty thousand euros (20.000€).
  5. From the Holy Archdiocese of Crete twenty thousand euros (€ 20.000), which the Archdiocese deposited in an account at the Arab Bank named ‘Greek Orthodox Patriarchate – Fund of Student and Pupil’, in order to constitute the basis of a capital, in providing scholarships to distinguished students and pupils who are in need.

Of significant importance was the assistance given to Gaza by the Orthodox Charitable Organization (IOCC) in cooperation with the Patriarchate.

Adding to the aforementioned, some months ago His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III visited Gaza to celebrate the Feast of St. Porfyrios and offered the amount of ten thousand dollars (10.000) $USD.

The Patriarchate is publishing this not for self-promotion, according to the passage of the Gospel “not let being known to your left hand whatever your right hand does” (Mat 6, 4,) but to comfort those who await the Church’s works and for the transparency in distributing the donations and their use, as the donors have the right to be informed.

Chief Secretary’s Office